Not a dream but a reality: 5G is moving to space!
Sateliot and Telefonica have collaborated to expand the 5G space network with their groundbreaking achievements.
In a time when technology is always getting better, a new step has been made in how people talk in space. This step calls for a new teamwork. Sateliot and Telefonica have joined forces to make 5G networks more accessible in space. As a result of this relationship, good things have come out of it. Here's what's going on!
Sateliot and Telefonica are making communication in space possible!
Sateliot and Telefonica are well-known for what they have done, and they are getting ready to do something new. Recent news says that the two companies are working together to bring the 5G network into space. This accomplishment gives people entry to places they couldn't get to before and paves the way for people all over the world to be connected.
In a news statement, the two businesses said that this is the first time this has ever happened in the history of telecoms. They also said that they recently did a test in which they used Sateliot's satellite network and normal GSMA roaming to expand Telefonica's ground 5G network coverage.
The European Space Agency (ESA) was in charge of the test, which shows how big of a deal it was. During the test, Sateliot showed how well its network worked with Telefonica's by putting a SIM card from Telefonica Tech's Kite platform into an IoT cell device.
When the 5G IoT network goes into space, it will give the two businesses a lead over their competitors. The test results showed that normal links can be verified by Telefonica's core network even when they are going through a network that is not on Earth.
Antonio Franchi, who is in charge of the 5G and 6G Strategic Program Space for the European Space Agency (ESA), shared his thoughts on the matter. The Chief called satellite IoT services "disruptive progress" and said he was happy with how well they were doing.
So, what do you think about the subject of 5G in space? Don't forget to let us know what you think in the comments!